Former Band Member: Scott Hecker, Trumpet
Born Washington, D.C., Scott went to college at Wesleyan University where he obtained a B.A. in 1980. While there, he played with various jazz groups and campus bands. From 1981-1985, while a Chemistry graduate student at U.C. Berkeley, he played with the U.C. Berkeley Jazz Ensemble (toured Japan), the Rich Martini Orchestra (a 10-piece big band) in San Francisco, and formed the Scott Hecker Jazz Quartet, which performed regularly at The Lobby in Oakland. Scott received his Ph.D. in Chemistry at U.C. Berkeley in 1985.
After 1985, Scott moved to Connecticut, where he worked for Pfizer as a medicinal chemist from 1985 to 1993. For several of these years, he played with the Executive Red Coats, a big band based in New Haven, Connecticut. He moved back to California in December 1993 to join a start-up company, Microcide Pharmaceuticals, now Essential Therapeutics, where he was Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry. Essential Therapeutics mission is to discover new antibiotics. Having played recently with the Foothill Jazz Band, Scott reports joining Full Spectrum Jazz as one of his musical achievements.
An avid tennis player, Scott now resides in San Diego.